Help! I've Fallen and I can't Get Up

Proverbs 14:12, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death"

A couple years ago, as I was walking into my doctors office, there sat a crippled man on the ground unable to move by himself. There was another man trying to put him into his car but failing hopelessly. I stood there a minute and watched as this kind gentleman tried to get this crippled man into his car. 

I went over to see if I could help in any way, yet it was just a massive disaster. Everytime we would get this man anywhere close to the car, involuntarily, he would somehow get in the way! It seemed there was nothing we could do. 

Finally we told him, just relax we are trying to help you up; trying to get you where you need to be. The sad thing is he just kept telling us how to do it, and would get so discouraged when it would fail   (it really was a task to get him in his car). 

Here is the problem - ultimately he had no control of how to get in his car, and even though he had many ideas on the way to, he had to absolutely trust that we could get him there. There was nothing he could do to help; in fact, his way caused more failure everytime. 

A lot of times we are just like this crippled man! In his mind he knew every way to get into his car; He got so discouraged when his way did not work.  The fact is, all he had to do was relax and trust that we would get him where he needed to be. "There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death."

If we could only learn that our abilities and our ways can and will fail. If only we would learn that God's ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. and He can handle any situation that we are in. In the end he is the only one that can get us where we are trying to get anyway.

Blessing Pastor Ant

Please Comment if this inspired you in any way!

Acceptable to God!

Dude!! The world is at a place that really can't get any worse. With that thought in mind I can't help but to think back at a time when I was younger and seemed everybody was concerned with living righteously in some way! People really used to feel bad for their sins. I mean come on, you know back in the day when you would come home and couldn't find anybody around the house you thought the rapture has taken place and you obviously got left behind. I can't count the times that happened to me as a kid.

In today's world many people don't think about the rapture as much and it's simply because we are so busy, we don't have time to be concerned with important stuff like a rapture. The scriptures do say that Jesus is returning for those that are "looking" for Him.

Romans 6:18 says, "Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living." Since we are no longer a slave to sin, we are a slave to righteous living. To me it's simple am I living a life acceptable to God. In everything I do, am I pleasing to God? Yes, Jesus paid the for our sins At The cross and His grace is sufficient, there is no doubt. I just wish that each person that claims salvation would live as a slave to righteousness as the Word says.

So if you are reading this I want you to ask yourself one thing today. This is a big question with a simple answer. As a matter of fact it's either yes or no, don't try that lukewarm, in the middle stuff; just a yes or no... So here it is - the question that is so important - am I living a life acceptable to God?


Pastor Ant

Help!!! I've Fallen and I can't get up

A couple years ago, as I was walking into my doctors office, there sat a crippled man on the ground unable to move by himself. There was another man trying to put him into his car but failing hopelessly. I stood there a minute and watched as he tried to get this man into his car.

I went over to see if I could help in any way, and it was just a massive disaster. Everytime we would get this man close to the car, involuntarily, he would somehow get in the way! It seemed there was nothing we could do.

Finally we told him, just relax we are trying to help you up and get you where you need to be. The sad thing to this situation is the man kept telling us how to do it and would get so dis-hearted when it would fail (it really was a task to get him in his car).

Proverbs 14:12 say, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death"
This is the struggle this crippled man was having. Ultimately he had no control of how to get in his car, and even though he had many ideas he had to absolutely trust we could get him there. There was nothing he could do to help. In fact his way caused failure everytime.

If we could only learn that our abilities and our way can and will fail. If only we would learn to trust God and that He can handle any situation that we are in. In the end he is the only one that can get us where we are trying to get anyway.

Stay inside the Boundary! It's shocking out there!

Have you ever had the feeling that you just cannot escape sin. You know, the feeling that you are never gonna be set free; that feeling that you are trapped in this sin tendency. We've all been there! I have good new for you. JESUS LOVES YOU! Yes, that's right, He loves you. So why are you constantly loosing to a battle that has already been fought, and won. We spend way too much time trying to fix what has already been fixed. All we have to do is receive who we are in Christ and do our very best to maintain a minute by minute relationship with Him. Whoa! "a minute by minute relationship," that's a bit extreme isn't it? No way, I believe that to be our 'reasonable service" that Paul tells us about in Romans 12:1-2.

See the problem is that we tend to worry too much about the devil and how he is causing us to slip into sin. I need to remind you that the devil doesn't make you sin. STOP blaming him for what you willfully do; Luke 10:19 tells us that we have been given authority over the enemy. So really he is not an enemy at all, he is defeated; learning this is the first step of becoming free. However, this is how we fall, the devil tempts us and we obey. This is the process of sin, and that is how it happens every time.

I remember when I was training my Boxer, Ellie Mae, to stay within her new electric fence; I threw a piece of wienie outside the range of the fence. She ran after it so fast that she didn't know what hit her. The shock scared her so much, and it really hurt me to see it, but she had to learn. I pulled her back into the "safe zone" and loved on her, comforted her and let her know that she was safe and secure. After that, I stood up and threw another piece of wienie outside the boundary. She started after it quickly then stopped, realizing the the temptation was not worth the pain. I gave her a pat on the head and told how proud I was of her. Then, I threw another piece and guess what... ole Ellie Mae stood firm. She didn't move an inch! She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes that said, "I ain't that dumb, dummy." You see, she quickly learned that consequence comes from stepping outside the boundary. So Ellie Mae's response is, "I think I'll just stay here with you, the wienie just isn't worth it."

If we could learn to realize that "the wienie just isn't worth it," then we can overcome the temptation that satan put in front of us. Don't you know that he laughs at you every time you fall into his trap. You do NOT have to fall into that trap though, remember it's much safer right there in the presence of your Master. The next time satan puts a temptation in your path tell him, "I ain't that dumb, dummy; I am safe and sound in the presence of my Master and I am not about to fall for that trick." Never forget that God never allows you to be tempted beyond what you can overcome. So learn to be in God's presence every minute of everyday and you will see that it is much safer there with Him.

May the blessings of the Lord Overtake You!

2012 The year of Urgency!

You know, when thinking of the year 2012 one would almost automatically think the END....of.....THE WORLD. Come on, you know you have. No one can escape it; there are so many people convinced that Dec. 21, 2012 will be the last day we have. I can't help to say this, what if they are right? Not in a crazy way, but in a Christian way. Just follow me just a moment. As I was praying today I had this huge feeling of urgency for the people of the World. I know, I know, we should always have that feeling for the lost people that we continually see everyday. However, let's be real; we really could be doing a better job at caring.

We are so consumed with ourselves and the pleasure we can get that we innocently, and totally forget the people that have NOTHING, or on their way straight to HELL. It is highly possible that the World could or could not end on December 21, 2012. Who cares? The fact remains, that it could end today or tomorrow.

So here is what I say to you "GO." It's simple, Jesus said go, he didn't tell you to make creative ways to draw people so they can be amused with your creativity. DUDE that runs out trust me! JESUS simply said go. The Word is strong enough if you will just speak it. I want you to know that Christ IS coming soon, yes He is. In what way are you making "GO" active in your life? GO, tell them about a Savior who loves them unconditionally and wants to free them from Judgement. GO, love somebody that is hurting even if it's out of your way. GO, give someone the coat off your back. GO, and pay for the persons meal that is standing behind you and leave a note that says "Jesus gave all, I can give some."

It's quite simple, develop a "GO" mentality. Time is running out, whether it is Dec. 21, 2012 or tomorrow. Revelation 22:7 says, "Behold I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." So, lay down your silly preconceived judgements of people and be more like Christ; GO.

Hands and Feet.....I'll Go Where You Send Me

Isn't it amazing when God revelates something to you. Do you not get this overwhelming feeling that you are special. We are special to him and He wants to revelate his word to us always remember that.

For the past few weeks I have been thinking about mission trips and missionaries and so on. I have been thinking about all the wonderful things that these brave people are doing for the Lord! The courage that it takes to to say "I am going to pack up my things and go to India to minister to people that need to hear the word of God" blows me away. There is no way in this world that I could do that (1) because I hate flying...terrified! (2) because I hate flying!!! I don't see myself going and doing those things...I truly do not feel that calling on my life. Thank God for people that do. I really believe that God has a special blessing for those who go "the distance" to share the gospel and I would like to personally say Thank YOU!

However, God revealed something to Anthony Sellers that has change the way that I think a little bit. There is so many missionaries for 3rd world countries but there really isn't any "true" missionaries for this area. There is a ton of hurting people in our very communities yet we overlook them. They are hungry, lost, unhappy, alone, whatever it may be. They need someone! So I have made a commitment to myself and to the Lord that while others work so hard in other countries sharing the gospel, I will work hard in our communities to share the gospel. There is a large mission field right in our back door and religion has shut that door so they don't have to look at it. Well I'm not gonna set by and watch I wanna do something for the Lord. Actually let me rephrase that, I am gonna do what the Lord commanded. Matthew 28:19-20 says Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." I have a heart to see the people that have been cast aside to be brought back. If Jesus had a heart for all the lost and hurting people in the world shouldn't we? even the neighbors that no body likes. There is an overlooked mission field right before our eyes. Religion has gotta get out of the way. Why? Because Jesus is coming!

May God Bless You Richly


Love at first sight.......Hmmmm?!?

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have really felt that my creativity levels are at an all time low...I'm not sure why, maybe it's just a phase....

Anyway I have been thinking about something today, something important. Why is it that Christianity is at an all time low and everything else is on the rise. ( I am about to get very if you are tender hearted forgive me) I think it's because "Christians" (notice the quotations) have rasied themselves up to a level that is unreachable by someone that needs salvation through Christ. What I mean by that is this - People are begining to be turned off by Christianity, even the most devote Christians are turning away because of the actions and attitude of todays "Christian". This is a sad thing! IT hurts me to see the way that we treat other...."If you don't go to this church you are going to hell", "If you don't sing this way you are going to hell", "If you don't speak this way then you are going to hell". I think we have lost the focus! Are we not in this together?!?!?!

Someone very dear to me and once was on FIRE for God will not even set foot in a church anymore. His reasoning "The people hurt you and talk about you and they dont'care"! I know that there are some that truly do care don't get me wrong. They are far a few between though!

Christians have gotten SO LAZY in there thinking. Christianity has become a status instead of a passion and it is so much more than that. However in order to get back to the basics we have got to understand one thing.."LOVE" Jesus said in 1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. We tend to forget that it was love that has made a way for us when we don't deserve a way. We tend to forget that love picks us up when we should be trampled upon. If you want to be known as a follower of Christ then follow His other words LOVE!!! That was His greatest commandment. If people don't see LOVE in you at first sight then they do NOT see Jesus in you AT ALL!!!

In Love people will not be turned away from Christianty...It can be a place to run too...

I leave you with this....

about 2 weeks ago God put this simple vision in my mind...A lost ship in the ocean and the storms were heavy. The crew on board had made their peace and were ready to die because they knew that they were alone and in danger...They knew that they may not return home....Then all of the sudden of in the distance they see a flashing light...very dim but it's they got closer they saw a beat up lighthouse shining his bright light as bright as possible. The moment that the crew saw that light they had hope...even when hope could not exsist for them. They knew that were almost home.

No matter how beaten or broken you are, let your light, the love of Christ, shine as bright as it never know what LOST ship is looking for it.

May God Bless you Richley
